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Project Management

Project Management

Modern organizations should be Agile for fast adaption of environment, technology and other changes. Strong and stable Change and Risk management processes are the cornerstones for company agility.

One of the main tasks for business to manage changes as a stable process. If a certain organizational environment established in the company, the business easily and fast adapts to changes with minimum risks and implement fast failure method.

Successful project, portfolio and business manager should be aware in Change management, Risk management, and sustain changes in a fast and stable manner by appropriate IT tools.

The Specialist Training center offers an excellent opportunity for managers - both business and IT - to improve their knowledge and skills and make the next step in their professional career and development - trainings in English with PDUs granted according to the new Triangle-based PMI(r) regulations.

  • The Organizational Change management training based on the PMI(r) researches, and articles, including the PMI(r) Practical Guide for Organizational Change management and the Project Management through organizational Agility. At the training students learn what the Agile organization is, change management process, staff motivation, change risks and financial estimate and value of changes. Graduate students earn 16 PDUs!
  • Develop IT project requirement specification is a valuable training for IT managers, business development managers and analytic staff members. The training deals with procedures and tools to collect, analyze and prioritize requirements, demands for IT services and products to support business needs and necessary changes with minimal service disruption and maximized value. The students learn the entire process from collecting general business requirements and needs to a formal requirement specification, development of use cases, state and consequence diagrams. Students earn 12 PDUs.

About the trainer: Danil Dintsis, Ph. D. (twice) in System Analysis  and Technical management

  • Portfolio manager and IT consultant, and a trainer for 15+ years with the following certifications:
  • PgMP®, PMP®
  • EXIN accredited trainer for ITIL®*, MOF®*, Cloud computing, Operation services and Analysis (OSA®)

*ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

*MOF® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.


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